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The Ultimate Business Travel Survival Guide: Air Travel Secrets, Hotel Stays, Car Rentals, and Restaurant Tips


Whether you’re a jet-lagged junkie, a hotel aficionado, a car rental sage, or the person who knows the ins and outs of every menu in every airport restaurant, business travel can be quite a journey. But hey, fear not, you dashing corporate adventurer and welcome to our ultimate business travel survival guide – a treasure trove of tips, advice, and on-the-road wisdoms.

Married to the Mile High Club: Air Travel Secrets

Loyalty pays off, and in air travel, it’s as true as the sky is blue (when it’s not cloudy or night-time). It’s a pretty simple equation: Fly a lot, stick to one airline, earn points, and reap the benefits. From skipping lines to precious extra legroom, it’s a no-brainer.

And don’t forget to work on your timing.Flight prices can fluctuate like a flopped startup’s stock, so knowing when to buy can save you some serious bucks. Tuesday afternoon’s a good bet, but so is booking at least 15 days in advance.

Get yourself a quality travel credit card, not only can they offer free checked bags and priority boarding, but the points you accumulate can get you those desired free flights and upgrades. Do remember to clear your cookies (The less tasty browser ones) before booking to avoid any analytics based price hikes.

Home Away From Home: How to Win at Hotel Stays

Nobody wants to feel like they’re staying in a cardboard box with a minibar. So, hotel loyalty pays off too (surprise!). The treatment for frequent visitors can be the difference between a shoebox and a suite.

And your buddy, the concierge, can make some magic happen. Requiring a late checkout? Hard-to-get restaurant reservation? Or scoring those theatre tickets for Hamilton? Build a rapport, and you’ll gain a powerful ally while travelling.

Minimalism is not just a trendy home renovation style; it makes for efficient packing too. Do you really need a different shirt for every day of the week? Can the hotel supply convenient amenities? Likely. Implementing a smart packing strategy will make your stay, and indeed travel, far less hassle-free.

Wheeling and Dealing: How to Ace Car Rentals

If you’re hitting the road, then knowing your stuff can turn your rental ride from a nightmare into a dream. Let’s start with damage insurance. Yes, it’s an added cost, but the potential savings on mishaps can be worth it.

Next, do you smell that? That’s new car smell. If you can, always pick the newest car, not just because of that indulge smell but fewer chances of breakdowns and, let’s face it, who doesn’t want to drive a shiny new car?

And always, always, triple check your ride at checkout. The last thing you want is a future argument about a mysterious dent that you’re sure was there before but can’t prove.

Eating Out (or In): Restaurant Tips for the Busy Bee

When you’re on the business clock, efficient dining is a lifesaver. Choose restaurants with prompt service or order ahead when possible. There’s no award for longest-lunch-taken-from-work.

And remember, health is wealth. All too often, business travel becomes an excuse for dietary freefall. Try your best to maintain a balanced diet when choosing from the menu. After all, you wouldn’t want to negotiate a deal or give a presentation with that post-junk-food slouch.

Gratuity is the final tip – always tip. Apart from being common decency, you never know when you might return. A remembered generous tipper always gets great service.

So, as you suit up for your next business journey, remember, while we can’t promise it’ll always be smooth sailing (or flying, or driving), with these tips in hand, you’re setting yourself up for an unparalleled business trip.

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