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Donald Glover on Lando Return: Talking to Lucasfilm for More Star Wars


Donald Glover is eyeing a return to a galaxy far, far away. During a video interview with GQ magazine, the actor confirmed that he is currently talking to Lucasfilm about reprising the role of Lando Calrissian in a future “Star Wars” project. What that project would be is remaining under wraps. As Glover said, “We’re talking about it. That’s as much as I can say without [Lucasfilm president] Kathleen Kennedy hunting me down.”

“Lando is charm incarnate,” Glover said. “He’s kind of a maverick, which I don’t think there’s a lot of anymore. It’s hard to be the smooth talker nowadays. Where’s the line? That’s also where the danger is. How close can you get without tripping over it?”

Glover continued, “I would love to play Lando again. It’s a fun time, being him. It just has to be the right way to do it. Time is precious. The past couple of years, this pandemic shit, it really had people experience time…People realize their time is valuable. You only get so much. I’m not interested in doing anything that’s going to be a waste of my time or just a paycheck. I’d much rather spend time with people that I enjoy. It just has to be the right thing, and I think it could be. Lando is definitely somebody I like to hang out with.”

Glover’s Lando debuted in Ron Howard’s 2018 “Star Wars” prequel movie “Solo.” The film was supposed to launch a new sector of storytelling for “Star Wars” as it debuted younger iterations of Han Solo (Alden Ehrenreich) and Lando (Donald Glover). None of the actors have popped up in the “Star Wars” franchise again as “Solo” bombed at the box office with just $392 million worldwide, barely making a profit for Disney.

Speaking to NME at the end of last year, Howard said that any talks of a “Solo” sequel are coming only from fans and not Lucasfilm itself. In other words, “Solo 2” is still dead.

“The only discussion that I’m aware of about a sequel for ‘Solo’ is coming from the fans at this point,” Howard said. “I don’t think it’s a Lucasfilm priority, as I understand it.”

Howard added, “But there’s some great characters launched, and the folks from Lucasfilm love the fans and really do listen so I would never say never — but I’m not aware of any concrete plans right now to extend the story or deal with that particular set of characters.”

If Glover is talking with Lucasfilm about returning as Lando, then it’s probably not going to be in a “Solo” sequel. Watch the actor’s full GQ video interview in the post below.

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