Smooth Sailing Through The Skies: Top Tips For The Jet-Setting Business Traveler

<h3>Smooth Sailing Through The Skies: Top Tips For The Jet-Setting Business Traveler</h3>

Meetings, conferences, and B2B negotiations don’t always happen within a single time zone, creating the need for frequent air travel for many professionals. Here, I’m sharing some of my aviation-flavored wisdom for those of you hopping on and off planes as part of your nine-to-five (or should I say your 24/7?) Let’s dive in.

<h3>1. Make Air Miles Work For YOU</h3>

No, not just for that sweet vacation you’ve been eyeing, but with practically every dollar you spend. Choose a top-tier airline rewards program and make sure every flight, either domestic or international, racks up those precious points.

<h3>2. Check-In Online and Save Some Time</h3>

Your time is important, and the last thing you want is wasting it in long queues. Many airlines now offer online check-in 24 – 48 hours prior to departure. Use that extra time to book that power lunch you’ve been procrastinating about!

<h3>3. Beat The Seat Lottery</h3>

Bidding farewell to the comfort of business class? Use sites like Seat Guru to make sure you’re always picking the best seat in economy. An extra inch of legroom could be the difference between a nap and a nightmare.

<h3>Now, Onto Wisely Packing Your Bags</h3>

<h3>4. The Art of One-Bag Travel</h3>

Trust me, the holy grail of business travel is to pack everything you need into one carry-on. It saves time (no baggage claim!), minimizes risk (no lost luggage!) and saves money (no checked bag fees!).

<h3>5. Dress the Part, Pack the Rest</h3>

A tip as old as time, dress in your heaviest clothes while traveling. It will save precious space in your bag and ward off cabin chills. Insider tip: Blazers double up as great blankets.

<h3>6. A Bag Inside a Bag</h3>

It’s always wise to bring a small, foldable tote or backpack for meetings, networking events, or sightseeing during your downtime. Your shoulders will thank you.

<h3>Leveraging Tech and Other Essentials</h3>

<h3>7. Invest in Noise-Canceling Headphones</h3>

Believe me, they’re worth every penny – especially when that baby three rows behind you decides it’s showtime.

<h3>8. Power-Packed Power Strip</h3>

Never underestimate the power of a mini power strip. Hotel rooms and airports alike are notoriously stingy when it comes to outlets.

<h3>9. Stay Hydrated and Healthy</h3>

Between recycled plane air and hectic schedules, business travel can be a fast lane to feeling under the weather. Keep a refillable water bottle and some vitamins handy to keep that immune system in check.

<h3>10. Go Digital</h3>

From digital boarding passes to scanned copies of important documents, ensure back-ups of all essentials. You know what they say – better safe than sorry.

To all the fearless flying souls partaking in the grind of the business travel universe, keep these tips in your back pocket and let the power of savvy travel help you shine in all your jet-setting journeys. Safe travels and successful deal-making!

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