The Savvy Business Traveler’s Guide: Jet-Set Tips & Hints for Air Travel

The Savvy Business Traveler’s Guide: Jet-Set Tips & Hints for Air Travel

Every so often, work demands that we change our cozy, corner office view to an airplane’s porthole. This stirring transition, while exciting, mandates that we quickly get accustomed to the eccentricities of air travel. But fear not, dear reader, for I present an arsenal of tips and tricks that will have you blending into the ranks of the seasoned business travelers.

Baggage–Lighter The Better:

You want your trajectory from front door to airplane seat to be as swift and smooth as possible. The golden rule of business travel is: minimize, minimize, minimize. Take only the work essentials and a few clothing items for different scenarios, from boardroom meetings to even a delightful cocktail soiree. Travel-sized toiletries, if not already a part of your travel items, should be. On the plus side, lighter luggage grants you an appreciable amount of smirk-inducing smugness when witnessing others wrestling with their gargantuan bags.

Airline Loyalty Programs – Earn While You Soar:

You’re in the air quite a bit, might as well get rewarded for it, right? Many airlines offer spectacular loyalty programs that include perks such as access to exclusive lounges, priority boarding, and even upgrades to fore enjoyably pinchy cabin classes. The points you earn over time can also be redeemed on future flights, making business travel less of a splurge and more of an investment.

Pre-Check & Global Entry – The Red Carpet of Air Travel:

Sections of airports often resemble a George A. Romero movie set, teeming with the unfortunate souls cursed to wait in line forever. An excellent countermeasure to this is getting TSA PreCheck or Global Entry. These programs allow low-risk travelers the privilege of speedier security checks and immigration. In the glamorous world of business travel, these are your red carpet passes that let you stride past the crowd, channeling your inner celebrity.

Airplane Zen – Getting There Is Half the Fun:

Chaotic airport terminals, flight delays, turbulent flights–any one of these could transform Air Travel Nirvana into Dante’s Inferno. The key is to stay calm and look for the silver lining. Savvy business travelers know the worth of a good book or keeping their music playlist updated. Perhaps catching that in-flight movie you’ve been postponing for a while. Lastly, hydration is your friend. The peculiar dryness of cabin air can quickly dehydrate you. Ensure you’re sipping water throughout the flight, and you’ll arrive at your destination feeling energized and ready to get to work.

Beat The Jet Lag – Time Travel Like A Pro:

Traversing multiple time zones may seem like a feat from a science fiction novel, but the pesky villain named ‘Jet Lag’ often shadow these heroic journeys. To best it, try adjusting your schedule to your destination’s time zone a couple of days ahead. Also, catching some sleep on the plane, keeping hydrated, and getting some exercise before, during, or after your flight can work wonders in minimizing the effects of jet lag.

Regardless of the frequency of your business travels, consider these tips to smoothly navigate the sometimes-treacherous realm of air travel. With careful planning, even a novice can seamlessly become a veteran, being hailed in the annals of savvy business travelers. Keep calm and fly on, fellow business explorers.

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