The Ultimate Guide to Budgeting and Planning for Leisure Travel

Feeling the itch to break away from the humdrum of life and embark on a fancy journey of leisure travel? Be it exploring the historical lanes of Rome, the white sandy beaches of Bali, or the bright neon streets of Tokyo, your journey begins way before you take your first step out of the house.

The Buck Stops at Budgeting

Impeccable planning is the key to a successful leisure travel trip, and it begins with setting a budget. Though illuminate with the thought of globetrotting, one often overlooks the cost elements involved. Consider costs of flights or car rentals, accommodation, meals, sightseeing, shopping, emergency funds, and yes, even those monotonous but crucial travel insurance costs. An effective budget will guide your choices and ensure a guilt free travel experience.

Play the Airfare Game Like a Pro

The aeroplane ticket often is the biggest chunk out of your travel budget. Learn to work the cycle, as ticket prices follow a predictable cycle during the week. Booking on a Tuesday or a Wednesday can magically churn out cheaper fares than a Friday or a Saturday. Also, consider using flight comparison websites to secure those bargain deals. Remember, your motto should be ‘flexibility pays’!

The Art of Choosing a Rollicking Hotel

A hotel serves as more than just a place to crash after exhausting travel days. It’s your home away from home. Look beyond the traditional amenities and check for free airport shuttle services, in-room kitchen facilities for some money-saving homemade meals, free breakfast offers, and late check-out options. A centrally located hotel might hit harder on your pocket but would save commuting costs and precious time. Reviews by fellow travelers can be a treasure trove of inside information.

Juggle Your Way Around Car Rentals

Better rate? Better car? Better service? Confusing, right? A leisure trip calls for a pleasant drive and that starts with the right vehicle. Be an early bird to avoid last-minute heightened charges. Book through rental agency websites and not via travel agencies to avoid commission charges. Thoroughly inspect the car for any anomalies to avoid any ambiguous charges. Don’t forget to fill up the gas tank before returning the car to dodge exorbitant fuel charges!

Savour the Savouries at Local Restaurants

Ah, isn’t food a quintessential part of travel? Instead of running after Michelin stars, try tasting the local delights. Explore and experiment with local eateries and street foods. These offer authentic and diverse cuisines while being lighter on your wallet.

The Final Word

Leisure trips are meant to be cherished and lived to the fullest, and planning helps you do just that. While Covid-19 has thrown a monkey wrench into our travel plans, it will soon be time when we can freely explore the beauty of our planet, once again. Till then, stay safe, mask on, and keep your travel spirit alive!

Follow me on my blog for more exciting tips and tricks for the perfect leisure travel. Also, don’t forget to comment and share if you like the article. Bon Voyage!

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