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The Savvy Business Traveller’s Guide to Air Travel: Tips, Perks, and Strategies


The Savvy Business Traveller’s Guide to Air Travel

When it comes to business travel, flying is often a necessary but front-loaded chore. Shuffling seen-it-all-but-still-complain business aniexties, charges for that extra ounce of luggage, less-than-satisfactory plane food aside, here are a few invaluable flying tips to get you through your business travel endeavors. Don’t forget your sense of humor. It might be your best shield against the invisible giants of jet lag.

Load Up Your Armory With Travel Perks

Air miles, loyalty programs, elite status…do these phrases ring any bells? If not, you’re missing out on some major travel perks. Many airlines offer loyalty programs that give frequent flyers the chance to earn miles and exchange them for free flights or upgrades. Think of it as the airline’s way of saying, “Thanks for having your mid-air existential crisis with us every time!”

Take Advantage of Carry-On Bags

The philosophy of ‘minimalistic packing’ shines radiantly when it comes to business travel. Learned the hard way, checking in luggage can be a hassle and can cost you precious time (don’t we know a thing or two about the importance of time in business?). By learning to pack efficiently and sticking to a carry-on bag, you can bypass the carousel scene altogether. Freedom, after all, is a carry-on with wheels.

Lounge Access – A Shangri-la in the Midst of Chaos

Airport lounges are the unsung heroes of the travel world. This oasis amidst the hustle and bustle offers benefits such as free wifi, comfortable seating, quiet surroundings – a sweet mini-heaven for business travelers. So, next time you have a layover or an unfortunate delay, look up the lounges available, you can thank me later.

Plane Etiquette: Unleashing Your Inner Gentleman or Lady

Just remember: the airplane is not your personal dojo. Tips: Try not to recline your seat during short flights, respect person space, don’t start networking with your seat neighbor if they’re sending you clear ‘airplane mode’ signals. Travellers are not your captive audience – not everyone shares an equal enthusiasm for discussing quarterly reports at 30,000 feet.

Managing Jet Lag – The Unwanted Hitchhiker

Traveling through times zones can deliver a hefty punch to your productivity. So, aim to adjust your body to the timezone of your destination a few days pre-departure. And once you’re airborne, set your clock to your destination’s timezone. Staying hydrated, exercising and adopting an ‘at destination schedule’ as soon as possible can help minimize the negative impacts of the infamous jet lag. Remember, coffee is a jet lag-beater’s best friend.

A Sound Investment – Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Last but not least, invest in a reliable pair of noise-cancelling headphones. Not only do they offer respite from the engines’ droning on longer flights, but they can double as ‘do not disturb’ sign for those over-enthusiastic networking folks we just discussed.

Surviving air travel is no less than a covert mission that requires clever strategies. But, do remember, after the stormy flight, the consequential head spins, eventually the rainbow appears – as you land into the heart of your business opportunities. Better be prepared than sorry, right?

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